Saturday, July 9, 2011

Let's Try a Tri!

Today we went to the Y for a Preschool Triathlon! I was pretty excited! First they wrote my number on my arms and my age on the back of my leg. When it was my turn, they called my name and I jumped in the pool with my Daddy. We swam all the way to the other side. Then we climbed out and went to my bike. We put on my tennis shoes (my very sassy purple Pumas!) and Daddy cheered for me and helped me (just a little when I got tired!) as we went around the track. Then I ran over to Mommy and she and I ran down the field and back. I got a medal! I was pretty wiped out, but I had so much fun. I am a RACER! On the way home, I reminded Mom and Dad that they promised me a doughnut last night. So we stopped by Dunkin Doughnuts on the way home and I got a jelly one!

Libby was too little to race, but she ate lots of bananas and said "Go!". Oh and Mom's camera ran out of batteries after I got my number, but Daddy got some on his phone. We'll try to add more later!

1 comment:

Suzy Niemann said...

That is so awesome! We need to get Hannah involved in that next summer, how fun!