Friday, March 5, 2010

The Girls!

So here are some pics of me and Libby. Libby is getting BIG and I'm just as busy as I can be! Mommy and Daddy are busy too. We work hard, play hard and sleep hard (well, everyone except for Mommy who still has to get up twice a night to feed the baby who should be sleeping through the night!).
Libby has really plumped up!! She's strong too!
One of Mommy's schools had a Trike-A-Thon and invited me to participate. I borrowed a bike from Caroline (mine was stolen, but since this Grandma B ordered me a new one!!) and I had a blast!!
Fill 'er up!
Just hanging out with Libs...we're normally more into each other than this...Guess I was feeling tired.

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