Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I'm on the Go-Go-Go!

I turned 14-months a few weeks ago. I'm such a big girl now. My walking improves daily. It's been a little over a week and I'm everywhere! I'm also talking quite a bit. I love making animal sounds (sheep, dog, monkey, elephant and cat) and I'm saying a few words Ball, Book (Note from Mom: they sound very similar), Fish, Up, No, Yes, Da-Da and Ma-Ma, Milk, etc. Here are a few recent pictures and a video.

Dad, let me feed myself yogurt. I'm still learning how to use the spoon. :)

How big is Maddie? So Big! I like to lift my arms so Mom can tickle me.

1 comment:

Shay said...

Oh Maddie girl!! You are just too cute!! I LOVE YOU!!