Saturday, February 21, 2009

15 Months

I'm now officially 15 months! Each week I learn to do and say more and more.

I went to My Gym for the 1st time this week and had a blast...climbing on things, playing in the ball pit, going up and down the slide, and lots of swinging (They even had a dolphin swing which I kept pointing to and saying "Fish".).

Grandma & Grandpa Behrens are here for the month of February and take me out shopping and on lots of wagon walks. Some of the flowers are starting to bloom here and I love touching them gently and saying 'flower' (or something very close!).

I'm also trying lots of new foods now and am not nearly as picky as I used to be. Some of the latest new foods I tasted and liked were greens, cabbage, bok-choy, salmon, and tofu. I even ate a whole bowl of peas the other night. Of course I still love any kind of meat and nothing is better than bananas and applesauce!

My latest favorite toy is a rubber duck with a sailor hat; I found him in the upstairs bathroom. Mom cleaned him off and I haven't put him down yet. He goes to school and to bed with me. You'll see him in the video below.

Gotta run...I see some stuffed animals that I need to push around on my little car.

Testing out a new headband...part of my Valentine care package from Paw-Paw and Grand-Lin.

Ms. V stopped by for a visit last week.

How fabulous do I look in my fancy pants!?


Amanda said...

Look at Maddie go! She is adorable!! Can you believe Maxx arrived early?? I can't wait for the 2 cousins to meet!!!

Shay said...

15 months!! Wow!! Where does the time go?!?! Look at you walking all over the place!! I bet you're keeping your mom and dad busy now, huh?