Saturday, September 5, 2009

Labor Day Friends & First Day of School

We went over to Jack Sumich's house this afternoon to play. We danced, ate pizza and had lots of fun. Here are some pics of the afternoon...
Group photo! This was a tough one to get. From Left: Jack, Peyton, Isabella and me!

I wasn't sure about hugging Bella here.

Cheese! Mom got a pic of me before we left the house.

Here I am playing with my bestest friend Caroline. She's my neighbor and in my class at school.

First day of a new preschool! I'm in the Older Toddler room this year. I did really well this week. It helps that Caroline is in my class. Mommy reminds me of that on our way to school and I get super excited! My teachers told Mommy that Caroline and I played together this week and call out each other's name alot. We're tight! (In fact this morning on my walk with Mommy I kept calling Caroline on my cell phone..."Hello. Caroline. Okay. Goodbye!")

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Adorable! She is getting so big. I can't wait to see you guys again!