Thursday, March 19, 2009

16 Months Old!

I'm now officially 16 months and am quite the "toddler". I know what I want and when I want it...I WANT it! (I've only thrown a few tantrums in public places, but it's just the beginning!) I still love going out on walks with Mom. In fact if Mom mentions the word "walk" or "wagon", I run to the door saying "Bye-Bye". On my walks we stop often to collect flowers, sticks, rocks, etc. EVERYTHING goes into my wagon. I also love playing out in our front yard so I can watch the dogs walk by. Sometimes I even feed them treats and think it's so fun! I'm still talking quite a bit and know some sign language. I can sign "please", "thank you", "more" and "milk".

Testing out some of Mom's "Stretch-n-Grow" equipment. These ribbons are lots of fun!

Ilove smelling the flowers (a.k.a. "fowas")

Spring is almost here! Yea!

Mom calls this my "rapper" look. Just wearing some St. Patrick's day bling!

Here I am "Going Green".

1 comment:

Shay said...

Oh Miss Maddie, you're just getting too big!! Tell your mama to bring you to Little Rock to visit Uncle Tim and Miss/future Aunt Shay and you can play with puppies to your heart's content!! Don't worry...we'll break your mama down someday and get you a puppy (wink, wink)...til' then, we'll send you plenty of stuffed animals! WE love your St. Patty's Day "bling" it, girl!!

Love YOU!

Miss/Aunt Shay