Monday, December 26, 2011

Go Panthers!!

We went to our first Panthers football game on Christmas Eve. Maddie was really excited about it. I wasn't so sure what I was getting myself into, but went along with it. We both have pretty good Panther growls "Roar-Roar"! We enjoyed the game and made it all the way to halftime! We ate some good game food (popcorn, french fries, pretzels, doughnuts...) and danced some in the stands. Maddie found the game a little loud. Next time we'll bring ear plugs!
Doing our Panthers "Roar" in front of the popcorn we wanted!
Eating our took us both a little while to get comfortable with the noise which is why I look so sad! :(
We had a pretty good view of the field...I enjoyed watching the cheerleaders dance in their santa costumes! (I think Dad enjoyed that too!)

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