Monday, October 3, 2011

Libby is 21 months

Man it's been busy. I turned 20 and then 21 months and nobody even noticed. Not even me. I like to stay busy. You can't take your eyes off of me. I am exploring new things every day. In fact just tonight Mom caught me scaling her bed and then bouncing all around.

Maddie keeps announcing all the new words I can say. (Some of them I've been saying for a while, but I guess they couldn't understand them.) There are too many new words to name, but mom liked when I pointed out the "carwash" as we were driving by and when she asked Maddie a question about Daddy I said "Raleigh" (he goes there a lot for work!). I also have been saying "No thank you" instead of just plain "no". Oh another popular word is "Mine."... I like to say that alot (alot!).

My favorite thing to play is with my babies still. I take one to school everyday and my teachers say I don't put her down. I also love to dance. Mom and I are taking a music class together and I'm the biggest dancer and clapper in the class. It's fun!

Well, gotta run. I think my baby is hungry!

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