Tuesday, May 19, 2009

18 Months

It has it been a while since I've blogged. Sorry to keep my audience waiting. But I've been SOOOO busy.

First, Mom & Dad went on a week-long trip to Puerto Vallarta Mexico at the end of April (and returned swine-flu free!). Grand-Lin & Paw-Paw came to Charlotte to take care of me. We had a blast. I ate lots of good food (they treated me to ice cream!) and played so much. In fact I was so exhausted when Mom & Dad returned that I threw up all over Mommy. She was a good sport about it though. :)

Then Mom, me and Ms. Katie (who I call Nay-Nay) flew to Dallas for a SNG workshop. We stayed with Grandlin & Paw-Paw. We had a blast again. Grandlin had lots of new toys for me. We went to Paw-Paw's office and all of the nice people there played with me. One day I got to go on some rides at the big mall and take a swim in the pool.

When I got back from Dallas, Grandpa Behrens was here in town. We had so much fun playing ball and going on walks.

Now it's just back to me, Mom and Dad. But that's okay. They're pretty fun too. Dad took me swimming this week and we go on walks around the block where I collect leaves, rocks and sticks. Here are some pictures of me from the past month. I promise to write more soon!
This is my new picnic table. So fun!I love carrying around phones, keys and purses. This is actually Daddy's work journal, but it looked like a purse to me!

Mmmm....nothing like a mouthful of dirt. Can't look away for even a second...I'm quick!


Amanda said...

OH Maddie .. you are just too adorable.

marybeth cleveland said...

Cherie, she is too cute. She looks like such a happy and fun little lady!!